
Who does not like a bowl of warm soup or a hearty salad? Here are some warm soups for fall and winter & cold soups and salads for hot and sultry days.


Gazpacho – cold soup in hot sultry days

Summer in India and summer here are very different. Until I came here, I was never fond of summer. Summer back there is just three months of torture. Summer in India means scorching heat, dust, and excessive humidity. If you ever go there, you’ll hate India forever. For those 3-4 […]

Lentils, Soup/Salads/Dips

Red lentil soup – Mercimek Çorbası

This recipe has been published by BostonGlobe. You can find it here. Mercimek Çorbası. In Turkey there are two types of red lentil soup: Ezo Gelen and Mercimek. Ezo Gelen is richer, has more texture and contains more ingredients (such as bulgur and rice) than Mercimek. Traditionally, Turks cook Mercimek for a long time […]

chili recipe

A bowl of Chili

It’s getting chilly in Boston. Last week we experienced both fall color and snow in the same week. It’s sad that I could not take any pictures. Mother nature is sending a signals that cold, cozy days are coming. All of last week temperatures were in the 50s. I packed-up my sleeveless tops, skirts […]

turkish red lentil soup
Soup/Salads/Dips, Vegetarian

Turkish red lentil soup – Ezogelin Çorbasi

As a result of their geographical location, Turkish cuisine is a euphoric combination of Central Asian, European and Middle Eastern cuisines. They tradition is rich in the use of lamb, beef, chicken, fish, vegetables, pulses and herbs and spices, like – cumin, mint, oregano, parsley and paprika. I love how […]